Pregnancy should be a joyous and relaxed time, filled with the certainty that you are not only alive, but you are life itself. Your pregnancy is a time of reflection about your direct part in the creation of life. Yet, for many, it is a time of uncertainty, fear, and distress. The inability to rest as needed, and to take a delightful pause or cocoon for the incredible time of sheltering ahead is a manifestation of your predominant mental and emotional state in life, together with the importance you give to yourself.
You are not alone in this emotional state, the majority of people are obsessed with past distress and future uncertainty, to lose sight and touch with all that you have: the now.
During pregnancy, there is a substantial rise in your hormone levels (progesterone and estrogen), altering neurotransmitters (brain chemical messengers) that regulate mood. As if this was not enough, due to all physical changes needed in pregnancy, the stress hormone cortisol increases two to four times its typical ratio. Under normal circumstances, this will not be a concern.
In the case that your mental and emotional landscape is negative and one with extra stress and worry, the levels will elevate significantly, creating considerable changes in mood and irritability and your baby’s development. Elevated cortisol levels will reduce blood flow to your baby that in turn diminishes his or her absorption of nutrients.
At the first sign of irritability that seems to increase and stay with you, it is crucial to take action immediately. Pay attention to your thoughts and the way you feel, as that is your starting point in breaking the negative state you find yourself at the moment. When you catch yourself in negative thinking, pause and follow by sending a direct command to your mind to clear itself.
Take all your attention to the area of your body where you are feeling distressed. Every emotion that arises by negative thinking will be felt in an area of your body. Once recognized, put your hands there with all the attention and care you will give someone else you care for and is not well.
As you hold yourself, breathe slow and deep into that area and slowly let it all go in your exhale. Repeat this for 3 to 4 cycles and smile. Smiling sends a signal to your brain to release neurotransmitters—dopamine, endorphins and serotonin that allow you to feel better. Conscious expansive breathing lowers cortisol levels because it stimulates the most prolonged and, in my opinion, the most important of nerves called – the vagus nerve.
The vagus nerve runs from your brain down to your colon. It regulates heart rate, blood pressure, digestion, respiration patterns, etc. Breathing slowly and deeply into your belly relaxes this nerve and all the body systems associated with it. This breathing will also provide you and your baby with greater oxygenation. It will also allow you to sleep better, reduce discomfort, pain and mood swings.
The interruption of negative thinking and the action to make your breath conscious and expansive; awakens you into the now. And the best part is that your baby feels everything you experience; if you are calm and positive, your baby will develop in a pleasant and serene environment.
Smile. What you need is already within you. ML
* Find a detailED explanation of the process in Blog article: Benefits of Conscious & Expansive Breath – part of MLCOG-RESET SOMATHERAPY™