Ha He Hi Ho Hu is not a foreign language but a feel-good experiment. Repeat them out loud as you smile, pretending you are laughing hysterically, and soon enough, you will be doing just that. Imagination is your superpower, and you can use it to your advantage to help yourself feel better. Self-induce your laughter instead of awaiting something or someone to do this for you.
You have the power to train your brain to be your partner in happiness regardless of external circumstances. Your brain does not tell apart from self-induced laughter, or the one arises from something humorous. At the very moment, it begins, your brain releases neurochemicals, and neurotransmitters like endorphin, serotonin, and dopamine, which instantly allows you to feel happy, euphoric, focused, and relaxed. Furthermore, laughter increases pain tolerance, making it an immediate sedative.
Besides the way it positively affects your emotional state, the physical response to laughter is fascinating:
Brain: New neuropathways will form with each laugh, anchoring that fantastic feeling. Its effects are accumulative, the more you repeat it, the easier it gets to feel good even when situations are difficult.
Nervous system: We live in a society overloaded with stimuli. Our nervous system is on overdrive daily, laughing brings immediate relaxation to all the tissues, systems, organs, and muscles in our bodies. It significantly reduces inflammation, which is associated with heart, brain, and immune conditions. The relaxation it causes allows for less rigidity of your physical body and your mind as well.
Immune system: Through the reduction of stress hormone levels brought on by a good laugh, a higher immune response is achieved.
Improved sleep: Laughing boosts the production of melatonin needed for an optimal wake and sleep cycle. Blue light emitted by your electronic devices (iPad, phone, computers) can interfere with melatonin levels required for healthy sleep cycles. A good laugh will boost melatonin production.
Heart & Cardiovascular system: after a few minutes of laughter, blood pressure is regulated. Laughter is considered a toning exercise for your heart and vascular system, significantly improving your heart circulation.
Total body Detoxification: Laughter provides greater oxygenation, diminishing toxicity, and inflammation. The harder the laugh, the higher absorption of oxygen there is. It also decreases oxidation and brings a healthy glow to your skin, making its effects anti-aging.
For all these benefits to maximize your health, they first have to become a habit. If you find yourself not feeling good regularly, one episode of laughter will not suffice. The only way to make it permanent is through repetition that creates pathways in your brain to allow that feel-good to make itself at home. Repetition is to learning what water is for a plant. Knowing that through repetition, you have learned how to walk, read, and write, should make you feel confident in trying this feel-good experiment.
Do not delay; start right now. You do not need anyone to make you feel better or make you laugh; you can do this on your own. Your imagination is the screen, and Ha He Hi Ho Hu is the projector that begins your production of feeling good for no external reason, but for the best of reasons: You.
The way you assess circumstances and others is dependent on the way you think. Why see it all with eyes of gloom when you can do so with eyes of wonder. Make self-induced laughter a daily practice and continue for 45 days straight regardless of the way you feel or the circumstances surrounding you. Eventually, you awake one day to find yourself hopeful, happy, and energetic, with those feelings that we’re putting you down as a fading distant memory no longer controlling you or the way you feel.
Smile. All you need is already within you. ML